{"pageProps":{"__lang":"en","__namespaces":{"common":{"connectWallet":"Connect Wallet","installMetamask":"Go to Metamask","iAccept":"I accept the","termsConditions":"terms and conditions","basesConditions":"base conditions","availableCoupons":"Available Coupons","available":"Available","comingSoon":"Available - Coming Soon","alreadyDone":"Mission done","claimed":"Already claimed","goToDiscord":"Go to discord","pages":{"about":"about","missions":"missions","perks":"perks","clamings":"claimings","team":"team","explorer":"explorer"}},"about":{"title":"about h8ers club","description":"H8ers Club is the official Membership Club of Undefined. Here you'll find one-of-a-kind free pieces, season previews, priority releases, and bizarre member-only experiences. The one who risks with Undefined, always wins."},"perks":{"title":"perks","description":"The Undefined Privileges Club allows each NFT holder to claim all 6 perks as they are unlocked in the Claimings section.","claim":"Claim","freeShipping":{"title":"free shipping","description":"Free worldwide shipping on any purchase made in Undefinedba.com, only for holders. \n \nAvailable once the NFT is minted.","claimingText":"Every holder can claim Free Shipping codes to use in Undefined. The holder can claim one every 24 hours, with a limit of 5.\n If you are busy and want more than 5, talk to us here and we will free you more. Valid for all purchases within undefinedba.com"},"inkSession":{"title":"undefined ink session","description":"Free tattoos from official designs of UNDEFINED.\n Every NFT will be able to claim 1 tattoo for free. If too many people claim the Perk, we'll do an event with beer and our trusted tattoo artists in Buenos Aires. Holders from other parts of the world will able to claim this perk.","claimingText":"Free tattoos from official designs of UNDEFINED. Every NFT will be able to claim 1 tattoo for free. Holders from other parts of the world will able to claim this perk.\nDate (estimated) between 14 and 16 of march \nLocation: UNDF Office - Vicente Lopez"},"holderChat":{"title":"exclusive holder chat","description":"Exclusive chat only for holders on the Discord channel, where topics about the project, the missions, the community will be discussed, together with future decisions of the brand, choice of designs, clothing, artists, etc. Oh and maybe we'll spoil you some new clothes before we release them... \n Available once the NFT has been minted in the Claimings section.","claimingText":"By being a H8ers Club NFT Holder you gain access to the Discord’s Holder Chat. Crazy things happen there…"},"closeFriends":{"title":"close friends","description":"Every holder will be granted Undefined Instagram Close Friends Access, where they will see all previews and unique in-the-moment scenes with the Crew.\nH8ers Club logs every NFT trade and automatically removes the address who sold the NFT. The new member of the Club will be able to enter their Instagram user in the Perks section and it will be added automatically.","claimingText":"Every holder will be granted Undefined Instagram Close Friends Access, where they will see all previews and unique in-the-moment scenes with the Crew.\nH8ers Club logs every NFT trade and automatically removes the address who sold the NFT. The new member of the Club will be able to enter their Instagram user in the Perks section and it will be added automatically."},"dropsFastPass":{"title":"exclusive holder chat","description":"Exclusive password on all drops for you to buy quietly a while before mortals, so you never run out of stock. Available each Drop in the Claimings section (coming soon) and on Discord.","claimingText":"All holders will have access to undefinedba.com 24 hours before each clothing drop.\nThe holders will already know when it is to be within the Close Friends of Undefined on Instagram.\nThe dates will also be announced on the Discord Holders-Chat channel and on the H8ers Club Instagram account."},"bolsitoGuita":{"title":"bolsito lleno de guita","description":"Once a month we are dropping at a randomly chosen holder's house with a bag full of cash. If you are from the interior of Argentina or abroad, we will send it to you by transfer.\n If you are thinking that this Perk does not make any sense, you are right, and that is why it is our favorite.\n \n Every month for a year, the 9th of every month.","claimingText":"Here you will be able to fill in your data to participate in the draw for the Bag Full of cash. It is not mandatory and 1 address can be sent per NFT. If you have more than 1 NFT, you can put your same address on each one for more chances to win.\n\nThe form is enabled for 24 hours. From 11/2/2022 at 4:00 p.m. to 11/3/2022 at 4:00 p.m.\nWe are going to make the draw once the form is completed.\n\nWe are going to drop the Holder the bag (or do the Airdrop) in the next 7 days once the form is finished."},"exclusiveDesigns":{"title":"exclusive designs only for holders","description":"Sale of unique items for all H8ers Club holders, collections in which they will have weight when choosing the garment, colors, designs, etc. Bringing NFT's Assets and Traits into real life. \n\nAvailable Feb-2023 in the Claimings section (coming soon) and on undefinedba.com."}},"missions":{"title":"missions","description":"Each H8ers Club NFT Holder will be able to be part of unique, delusional and exclusive experiences like the ones listed below. Some are for everyone and some are just for some. Stay tuned to see how to be a part.","luxuryDinner":{"claimingText":"Este es el formulario para pre-confirmar tu asistencia a la primera misión Luxury Dinner.\n Si sabés que no podes venir por razones personales, no mandes tus datos. Ya vas a poder participar de las otras misiones.\n Para esta misión, los NFTs con IDs del 1 al 300 van a poder asistir. Si tenés más de 1 NFT, podés invitar a quien quieras. En las pestañas con tus NFTs vas a poder ingresar los datos de esas personas.\n Si todavía no sabes a quien queres invitar, en la pestaña de todos tus NFTs apretá el botón Pre-Confirmo asistencia de este NFT. \n\nFecha: 11/12/2022\nLugar: Zona norte (Confirmación en Noviembre)\n\nVamos a gestionar traslados desde las zonas más solicitadas, ida y vuelta.\n"},"trapstar":{"claimingText":"For this mission, each holder will be able to claim a hoodie from the unique and exclusive Trapstar: Only For Holders collection. /n This hoodie is not going for sale to open public. A limited quantity will be produced. 1 NFT = 1 Hoodie. If you have more than 1 NFT, you can claim 1 hoodiefor each NFT you have. Perhaps it will serve as a ticket to some exclusive event..."},"nepal":{"claimingText":"One of the most ambitious missions of all has arrived, where one of you, along with a chosen companion, will have the opportunity to travel to London in the second half of September on a Secret Mission. You will join the Undefined Ninjas in a historic event for both Argentinean and South American fashion, and why not, also European fashion. The trip includes flights, accommodation, and an invitation to an event."}},"mint":{"notInBlacklist":"You are not a part of our Blacklist.","saleNotStarted":"On this webpage, on Sunday 10/16/2022 18hs (arg., UTC-3) the Private launch of the H8ers Club collection will take place.","notWhitelisted":"The Private sale is active but you cannot mint because you are not on the Blacklist. \n\nThe Public Sale starts on Tuesday 10/18/2022 at 6:00 p.m. (arg)","whitelisted":"The Private Blacklist Sale is open, your time is limited, don't watch it on Igtv. \nWe can keep writing a lot of bullshit in this description just so you lose time like you're wasting it now. Stop reading, before they steal your Ninja.\n\nPublic Sale starts on Tuesday 10/18/2022 at 6:00 p.m. (arg, UTC-3)","public":"Public sale is open, anyone can mint. You have time to join the Club until all NFTs run out. Last warning.","soldOut":"The collection is Sold Out. To see it, go to: https://opensea.io/collection/h8ersclub","trapstarInfo":"TRAP$TAR HOODIE NOT AVAILABLE TO CLAIM FOR NFTs THAT WERE MINTED AFTER MONDAY 03/27/2023\n Each minted NFT from that date, instead of claiming the Trap$star 8, you will be able to claim 1 hoodie (IN STOCK) of your choice from the entire Undefined Collection, for free.","trapstarDisabled":"TRAP$TAR HOODIE NOT AVAILABLE TO CLAIM FOR NFTs THAT WERE MINTED AFTER MONDAY 03/27/2023"},"wallet":{"createUser":"Create User","editUser":"Edit User"},"blacklist":{},"validator":{"title":"explorer","NFTId":"Search by NFT id"}}},"__N_SSG":true}